
Anleitung: Work in progress

1. The overall aim of “Work in progress” is:

Paying less attention to information, facts and dates. Paying more attention to the process of finding information.

2. How does it work?

Pick one of the questions in the list. Be prepared to talk about the topic for 10-15 minutes on the given date. Check as many sources as possible to find answers. (books, the Internet, magazines, TV, etc.) Plan your presentation and use one of the following visual tools to illustrate your ideas:

* a poster * a Powerpoint presentation (or a similar slideshow) * a couple of overhead transparencies Prepare a handout for your classmates containing important facts and figures in form of a MindMap. Give all sources used! On the day of your presentation mainly

tell the class … * how and where you found answers, * and what was easy or difficult. * Just illustrate these points with a few facts about the topic itself.

3. Some numbers

one question, many answers and ideas, at least five different sources (including one book) one visual tool, one handout (MindMap), one presentation (10-15 minutes)

Suggested topics

Please decide for a topic and a date!

Does chocolate make you happy?

What is the world’s most expensive spice?

What is the “Tornado Alley” and what happens there?

Who are Harry Potter’s best friends?

Which country has the biggest population?

Can you be addicted to fast food?

How do people adapt to hot desert climates such as the Sahara?

What is a golf handicap and who has the best one in the world?

What does the name “Buddha” actually mean?

What happened to Shakespeare’s children?

How often does Halley’s comet come around?

What food company was founded by Harlan Sanders?

Which country’s national sport is called Lacrosse and what is it?

How do you tell if a person is feeling nervous?

Who was the first vice president of the United States?

Is coffee bad for your skin?

Why do people wear fancy clothes at carnival?

What do you need to organize before travelling to China?

What is the longest living creature today?

What is the best dog to keep as a pet with children around?