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soundingboard [2020/01/23 20:13] – [StrategischesZiel1: Interne Prozesse] korneliasoundingboard [2020/01/23 20:27] (aktuell) – [Soundingboard] kornelia
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Soundingboard zur Strategieentwicklung ======+====== Soundingboard ======
 Please feel free to comment in all pages and sections until the 27th of January. Please feel free to comment in all pages and sections until the 27th of January.
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
 After the 27th check what has been written by everybody else and ask / specify some more. After the 27th check what has been written by everybody else and ask / specify some more.
-We will sum up +We are going to sum up 
   * Goal Number 1: February 3rd, 10.00 - 11.00 CET   * Goal Number 1: February 3rd, 10.00 - 11.00 CET
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
-===== Strategic Goal 1: Interal processes =====+===== Strategic Goal 1: Internal processes =====
 +==== Challenges ====
-===== StrategischesZiel2: Lernen und Entwicklung =====+==== Opportunities ====
 +==== Further assumptions ====
-===== StrategischesZiel3: Marktführung =====+==== Questions ====
-===== StrategischesZiel4Nachhaltigkeit =====+===== Strategic Goal 2Learning and Development =====
-===== Sustainability =====+==== Target Group ==== 
 +==== Demands ==== 
 +==== Further assumptions ==== 
 +==== Further Questions ==== 
 +===== Strategic Goal 3: Market leadership ===== 
 +==== Benchmark ==== 
 +==== Trends ==== 
 +==== Further assumptions ==== 
 +==== Further questions ==== 
 +===== Strategigic Goal 4: Sustainability =====
-Sustainability takes into account the interconnection of the economic well-being, social well-being and the protection of the environment.  
-We address the following dimensions: 
-economic development, social inclusion and envrionmental sustainability 
 ==== Areas of implementation on management level: ==== ==== Areas of implementation on management level: ====